
Cosplay Track Featured Guest: Alena Van Arendonk

Alena has been cosplaying competitively for more than a decade and a half with her group “…And Sewing Is Half The Battle!”, an Indiana-based cosplay team that has garnered more than 50 awards for their costumes and performances at events around the United States.

An entirely self-taught seamstress and craftsman, Alena enjoys helping novice cosplayers improve their craft through workshops and seminars. She also provides professional costuming and SFX makeup work for film, theatre, and museums.

When she’s not making costumes, Alena works as a film, stage, and voice actress. She also juggles the hats of writer, artist, historic preservationist, gamer, and fangirl.

Track Highlights

Featherweight Armor Workshop

It’s possible to make great costume armor without investing in metalworking or risking toxic chemicals! We’ll cover alternative armoring for historical and fantasy costumes, using a variety of inexpensive, readily-available materials. See sample armor pieces and learn about their construction process.

Molds, Resins and Silicone Oh My!!

Learn the process of fabricating hard plastic and flexible synthetic accessories for your costume (or other hobby). We’ll discuss the various types of casting and mold making materials, explore their pros and cons, and walk through the moldmaking and casting process. Samples of various materials and finished products will be on hand. Bring a notebook — this panel is info-heavy! See finished pieces and learn the step-by-step process.

Advanced Special FX Makeup for Cosplay Workshop

Learn and try various products and techniques in SFX makeup and face and body painting. We will be using foam, latex, and silicone appliances. We will learn and practice some of the more advanced SFX skills on ourselves and each other.

To see the rest of the track and all the rest of the events at Penguicon, check out our Schedule for 2019!