Mari BrigheLife Track Featured Guest: Mari Brighe

Mari Brighe is a professional essayist, journalist, critic, editor, speaker, and educator. Her work has appeared in numerous outlets including The Verge, INTO, Vice, Mic, Salon, Bustle, The Advocate, Autostraddle, Salon and Everyday Feminism.

She has particularly focused on criticism and analysis of queer and trans representation in television and film, as well as the broader cultural context of gender and sexual diversity. She is also a freelance sensitivity reader/consultant, providing authors with feedback on queer, trans, asexual, and disabled characters and stories.

Mari is a queer academic whose work focuses on utilizing queer theory and gender theory for developing a transformative understanding of social spaces, media, and education. She holds a Master’s degree in Social Justice Education and LGBTQ Studies from the University of Michigan. She will be featured in an upcoming documentary, Beyond the Straight and Narrow, that examines recent trends in gender and sexuality in television. Mari is also a spoken word performer, amateur stand-up comedian, and aspiring novelist.

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Track Highlights

BurleXercise: A Burlesque Inspired Dance Fitness

BurleXercise is a fitness class created by Deborah O’Connell that takes the “follow the leader” format that other fitness classes frequently use and puts burlesque inspired movement to it. This is not a burlesque how-to, this is a fitness class inspired by burlesque.

I Started a Makerspace: AMA

Join Guest of Honor Karen Corbeill, maker extraordinaire, for her Ask Me Anything! Karen was president of the makerspace i3 Detroit before moving to Madison, where she co-founded an adult maker group, Mad City Makers, and The Bodgery, a maker/hackerspace that now has about 150 members.

Penguicon 2019 5K

Join the great community at Penguicon 2019 for awesome time racing against your fellow geeks and gamers. This time it’s IRL versus VR with absolutely no blue turtle shells to worry about.

How to Fight With a Medieval Longsword

Have you ever wanted to learn how to fight like they do in your favorite medieval action movie? Come learn the basics on how to handle a long sword and what made this weapon the go-to in the days long ago.

To see the rest of the track and all the rest of the events at Penguicon, check out our Schedule for 2019!