Room with a speaker panel and audienceIt is finally time!  Time to submit your ideas to help bring all of the things to Penguicon 2019.  This year we have streamlined things a bit by putting everything in one form. So whether you want to suggest programming, run a panel yourself, or have ideas for a special event this document will be a one stop spot for you.   Each event, panel, or suggestion will need a separate submission. So, if you have a lot of ideas you may want to pace yourself.

We are really fortunate this year to have almost all of our programming team in place as of the October ConCom meeting.  However, we do still have a few key positions that need to be filed. We are still looking for a Content Liaison and a Sched Master.  The job descriptions can be found here and if you are interested in either position please email [email protected].  

The form can be found here.

This year’s cut off for suggestions/submissions will be February 28,2019.